Friday, 23 October 2009

Hi again. I have about a million books, and I've been printing off loads of info for my lit review, most of it isn't relevant however, I haven't really got a clue what I really doing when it comes to the lit review and its really difficult to know in my head how a lit review all fits in when it comes to research and doing studies. So I think I'll youtube it again. Hopefully, this week I'll try to organise myself, tidy up my notes and maybe even read them again. Just really busy. I think its time to do a to do list and really I just got to get down and dirty with all that reading. :@/

I was really impressed with Lynn's comments, I did work really hard on that work and thank God for my lovely hubby who always proof reads for me. I would love to be able to redesign the National Curriculum, obviously, I would need full control from the government to do an excellent job.

Need sleep now.

Monday, 12 October 2009

So this is my contribution ...

21st Century Education

This short document will consider how the education of the future might look. In order to make better decisions for the future we are able to use reflexive skills by considering history and other cultures. After listening to Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of RSA, on Teachers TV, I felt more drawn to the idea that the National Curriculum should be a tool that is manipulated towards each individual child, where children are allowed to emerge in their own time and allowed to learn through their own interests. There should be a holistic approach to learning and more classrooms without walls where society becomes more accommodating and involved in children. In our ever developing technological world, children and their parents should be encouraged to embrace the tools of ICT.

The National Curriculum is a basis where standards are set in order that children receive a basic foundation of education. The QCA state that the National Curriculum should be available to every child regardless of their social background, culture, gender or ability. I would suggest that the National Curriculum is a structure that looks to meet society’s needs and values; however the way it is set up does not fully meet the needs of the individual.

It is important for us to stand on the shoulders of giants and build on the aspect of theories that accommodate for individual learners. The National Curriculum of the future should remain flexible and resourced adequately, especially with highly trained practitioners. Practitioners, including teachers, early years’ practitioners, parents and society need to be caring, know how to observe the interests of children and use these as starting points to build on. Their approach should be holistic, giving space for children to play and be free to be themselves.

Society has a big role to play in the future of our children’s education, as it can open more doors to learning for children of all ages, this will help children learn through interaction and apply content into context, which will ultimately encourage life-long learning. For example, a student on The Big Debate on Teachers TV explained how, through a project, they were asked to set up a market stall and sell things, he describe how he appreciated having to learn different aspects of the market and it made learning more interesting. This type of experience couldn’t be achieved without the help of society. If children are expected to integrate into society, attaining the levels that industry expects of them at the end of compulsory education, it is up to industry not just to prescribe but to be a part of their education from an early age. In relation to careers, children may have a better concrete understanding of the type of work they enjoy.

Learning by topic would be beneficial because all the National Curriculum subjects can be covered in a holistic way allowing for different types of learners to be accommodated. Also, children should be allowed to learn without the stress of reaching assessment targets, personal goals can be achieved according to the learning style and interest of the child.

I would suggest a National Curriculum for the 21st century to be one that allows for true personal growth, because only by letting go will we gain people of the future who can use their imagination and inspiration to take us further into the future. Society in general needs to nurture our developing young, because it is through care and the passing on of knowledge through experience that children can learn. accessed 12/10/09


Saturday, 10 October 2009

Fitting it all in

I am struggling a little bit because there just so much to do. I have to keep with up with learning how to observe children, book in time to do those observations, start reading up for the lit reviews, write up about my ideal national curriculum, need and run a household of five children including fitting in time for other members of family. PHEW!!! Let me catch my breath. All all I want to do it rest.

How is everyone else doing?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

hello my name is naomi's blog

Saturday, 3 October 2009

End of Week One

I am overwhelmed with all the stuff I need to learn. However, I am making progress, I just need to find out exactly what all the deadlines are for each subject, and I need to find out what exactly I need to brush up on. For the moment I'm not feeling like this thing is impossible, just a major challenge.